Wednesday 24 April 2013

Testing a new treatment: Semi-permanent Mascara

I've been wondering for a while now, what else I can bring into my salon to offer clients something different to all the other hundreds of salons in Centurion.

I came across the concept of "semi-permanent mascara" online, and did some research.  It's been around for a while, but only recently it's started becoming more known.  I found two suppliers in South Africa who offer training and products for semi-permanent mascara, of which MYscara responded the fastest and sent through all their information.

I set up an appointment for today to have the treatment done on myself.  Before deciding whether I will spend so much money on doing the training course, I definitely need to get a feel for it, how it feels to have it applied, how long it lasts, etc.

Semi-permanent mascara is a coating that is applied to the lashes.  This is an in-salon treatment and cannot be done at home.  It takes around 30 minutes - and then you have mascara for 2-3 weeks!

The MYscara representative in Pretoria explained everything to me so nicely and answered all my questions about the product, application and aftercare.  She did the treatment gently and efficiently, and when I opened my eyes, I was really impressed.

Mascara always irritates my eyes, makes them feel scratchy and puffy.  So far my eyes feel fine, doesn't feel like I have anything on!

I'm keen to see how long it looks nice for, and I want to check how it 'flakes' off - don't want lashes to look tatty after a week or two.

Watch this space - hopefully I will become a semi-permanent mascara therapist soon!

* * Edit:  After two weeks, the MYscara was looking quite tatty...  It looked great for the first week, but as it flaked off, it didn't look as good as I hoped it would.  I'm in two minds about this...  I really need to believe in a product that I use, I couldn't do this treatment for clients if I wasn't 100% happy with it.  Think will do some more research first before deciding!


  1. Wow, it really looks great Jess!
    Such a difference xx

  2. Thanks Debs, really pleased with it so far! :-)


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